The trip that made me fight for what I believe in

“Yes, you deserve this” 

“Why the f**k not?” 

Just a few of the things running through my head when I was presented the opportunity to head to Necker Island three years ago. 

It was the most pivotal five days of my life. The people, the fun, the conversations and the emotions experienced left me challenging many of my behaviours and beliefs.   

In one session, we heard the stories of survivors of domestic violence. The stories of these women affected everyone in the room profoundly. But it wasn’t the tragic events they’d experienced which was most memorable for me – it was their bravery, their positivity and the sheer resilience which left me feeling inspired, with a burning desire to fight harder for what I believe in. 

It was this experience which drove me to quit my former career. These women were fighting for their own safety, and a more positive future. They encouraged me to fight both for them, and for a more purposeful life for myself. 

So, I designed The Pineapple Collection – a bold range of jewellery whose purpose is to raise funds for what these women need most – a refuge shelter. 

Three years on, this collection continues to bring joy, create powerful conversations, and raise funds to continue to support these women. For the month of March, I’m doubling the contribution of every piece sold to $100. So – if you’re keen to know more, check out the collection here and join the conversation with me on Instagram @_alextempany 

Although she’s been designing and creating jewellery since 2001, her passion was born years before that. In 2019, Alex left her career in marketing and innovation behind to commit to Alex Tempany Jewellery full-time. 

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